West Virginia Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) Online Training for Adults and Adolescents




The purpose of the West Virginia Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) online training program is to create an accessible and sustainable training program for SANEs in West Virginia. The overall training program will help to increase the number of SANEs by providing high quality, consistent education. The goal is to ensure that victims of sexual assault receive quality patient care and comprehensive forensic examinations.


Through an overall 40-hour training program, participating nurses will acquire the foundational knowledge and skills needed to become SANEs. SANEs are key members of their community’s sexual assault response team (SART) and provide crucial services to sexual assault patients through compassionate, competent medical forensic patient care.


The 40 hour training includes information on how to:


  • Obtain a relevant medical history from a sexual assault patient;
  • Conduct a physical examination specific to the medical history;
  • Document injury using photography, body diagrams and charting;
  • Collect and preserve forensic samples;
  • Use the West Virginia State Police Forensic Laboratory’s sexual assault evidence collection kit (SAECK);
  • Provide the patient with prophylactic medications and/or emergency contraception for the prevention of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and pregnancy;
  • Treat and/or refer the patient for medical treatment; and
  • Work as part of a victim-centered, multidisciplinary response for the patient who is a victim of sexual assault.



SANE Training Information


How the SANE Training Works

The West Virginia SANE Training for Adults and Adolescents has a three-part blended learning format. The training combines online and classroom educational methods.


  1. 1. 24 Hours of Online SANE Training: To better accommodate busy schedules, 24 hours of the SANE training can be taken online for free. It is a self-paced course comprised of 23 units. The online portion of the course takes approximately 24 hours to complete. All 24 hours of the online coursework must be completed before beginning the second phase of the training, which is the 16 hour (2 day) classroom training. (See below for information on registering for the online training.)
  2. 2. 16 Hour Classroom Training: The 16 hour (2 day) classroom training is a requirement for all nurses wishing to practice as a SANE. The registration cost for this part of the training is $50. Nurses will receive 40 contact hours of continuing education for completion of the online and the classroom training.
  3. Classroom trainings are offered regionally several times a year in West Virginia and must have at least 16 nurses registered for the training to take place as scheduled. Class size will be limited to 20 participants.
  4. For information about available SANE classroom trainings, or if you are a hospital interested in scheduling such a training, please contact the SANE Project Coordinator.
  5. 3. Clinical Requirement for SANE: Demonstration of clinical competence is an essential part of the SANE training. The SANE must have a period of clinical practice with a qualified preceptor (physician, advanced practice nurse, SANE-A or physician assistant) to adequately develop and demonstrate the competencies and skills required of SANEs.
  6. Following the 16 hour (2 day) classroom training, the nurse must select and work with a preceptor to demonstrate competency in conducting the medical forensic exam and collecting forensic evidence. This work is done independently following the completed 40 hour training period.
  7. It is recommended that these requirements be completed within a 6 month time frame but MUST be completed within one year following the start date of the SANE training.
  8. Details about the clinical requirements for the SANE can be found by viewing the:
  9. West Virginia Clinical Requirements for the Adult/Adolescent SANE Training PDF.
  10. You will need Abode Reader to view or print the above document.



Registering for the SANE Online Training for Adults and Adolescents

To register for any of the courses within the Sexual Assault Services Training Academy (SASTA), including the WV Online SANE Course, you must first create an account for the Sexual Assault Services Training Academy (SASTA). Follow these directions to register:


  1. 1) Go to http://sasta.fris.org/academy/. Follow directions for creating an account. Create a username and password as directed.
  2. 2) Complete all the information requested in the “SANE” survey and request access to the West Virginia Online SANE training.
  3. 3) Once your registration is submitted, an email will be sent asking you to activate your account in SASTA by clicking on the link provided. (Your registration can not be processed if you do not activate the link.)
  4. 4) A second email confirmation will follow within 48 hours confirming your access to the WV Online SANE Course.
  5. 5) To begin the WV Online SANE training, log into SASTA, click on “Courses.” Select “SANE”; then select the Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner Course.
  6. 6) Use your username and password to login to SASTA every time.
  7. 7) Should you have difficulty, please contact the site administrator at dlbonasso@fris.org.



Referencing and Reproduction of SANE Training Materials

Only the non-commercial use of written materials from the online SANE training, to increase knowledge about sexual violence as professional development, is permitted.


You must credit material referenced, used or adapted from this course to the West Virginia Foundation for Rape Information and Services (WVFRIS) (2014). 



West Virginia Online SANE Training Funding

The West Virginia Online SANE Training was developed with funding provided by the Claude Worthington Benedum Foundation. Additional financial support was provided by the West Virginia Prosecuting Attorneys Institute (WVPAI) and the West Virginia Women’s Commission.




WVFRIS is indebted to Shannon Liew, RN, BSN, SANE-A, SANE Coordinator, Crime Victim Services Division, Office of the Illinois Attorney General for generously sharing 16 hours of original online SANE training course materials for adaptation to West Virginia laws, protocols and evidence collection procedures. Without that donation of materials, this project would not have been possible.