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Sexual Assault Kit Initiative (SAKI)
Project Overview


West Virginia’s Sexual Assault Kit Initiative Project creates local coordinated community responses that ensure:


  • the reduction in the future number of unsubmitted sexual assault kits by implementing a protocol/plan to inventory, test and track unsubmitted kits through final adjudication;
  • enhanced investigation and prosecution of sexual assault cases through adoption of improved protocols, technology and management systems; and
  • victim notification protocols and enhanced victim services and support.


The federal government has estimated that hundreds of thousands of untested sexual assault kits are stored in law enforcement agencies, medical facilities and other sites around the country. A national movement is now focused on moving forward with testing previously unsubmitted kits.


West Virginia’s project was originally created to focus only on 16 counties, but additional SAKI funds awarded in 2016 to support expanded investigation and victim services has enabled the project to be implemented throughout the entire state.



For help, victims can contact the Victims Services Coordinator at 304-379-8970.





Training and Technical Assistance:


WV Resources:


National Resources: