Women's Resource Center (WRC)
24 Hour Hotlines: 304-255-2559 (TTY)
Toll Free: 1-888-825-7835
The Women's Resource Center (WRC), was established in 1983 as a private, non-profit organization serving victims of sexual assault and domestic violence and their families. WRC's professional staff and volunteers provide advocacy, information and referral, community education, support and counseling to abuse victims. Emergency housing is available for the region at the shelter in Beckley. Additional support services are provided to victims through four outreach offices. WRC maintains its services through various grants and the community support of Raleigh, Fayette, Nicholas and Summers County residents.
County | City | Contact Number |
Fayette | Fayetteville | 304-574-0500 |
Summers | Hinton | 304-309-5147 |
Nicholas | Summersville | 304-872-7875 |
Raleigh | Beckley | 304-255-4066 |

Women's Resource Center
P.O. Box 1476
Beckley, WV, 25802-1476
24 Hour Hotline: 304-255-2559 (TTY)
24 Hour Hotline: 1-888-825-7835
Phone: 304-255-2559
Fax: 304-255-1585
Email: help@wrcwv.org
Website: www.wrcwv.org
Women's Resource Center offers:
- 24 Hour Crisis Hotline
- Individual and Group Counseling
- Advocacy and Support Services
- Information and Referral Services
- Community Education
- Volunteer Opportunities
- Emergency Shelter
- Cell Phone Program